Mr. Furtado was horribly burned and disfigured while donating his
effort at a construction project for his church. Before seeking
legal counsel, Mr. Furtado's family dealt directly with the insurance
company and settled his claim. It was explained to them that there
was only a $500,000 insurance policy available and that Mr. Furtado's
claim had a value less than the insurance policy, as a result of
his comparative negligence in causing the burns. Based on those
representations, the Furtados settled without the advice from a
trial attorney. Approximately seven years later, Anthony Furtado
met Mark Collins. Discovery commenced against the insurance carriers
for their misrepresentation and bad-faith conduct. During discovery,
the defendant's insurance companies acknowledged that "mistakes
had been made." One such mistake was the Claim Representative's
"forgetting" that there was an umbrella policy, above
the first layer of insurance. Mr. Collins was able to establish
that the carrier knew about the existence of the excess policies
of insurance. Through the efforts of Collins & Schlothauer,
Mr. Furtado received a multimillion dollar settlement(the amount
of the settlement is protected from disclosure by a confidentiality
agreement). The settlement assures payment to the burn victim throughout
his lifetime.